Obsession: Mason Pearson

Mason Pearson ‘Handy Mixture’ Nylon & Boar Bristle Hair Brush

My hair texture completely changed when I turned thirty, think thinning, breakage, greys.  Mix that with the wild hair on my ass that caused me to chop off about 8 inches in length and wa-la, girlfriend’s got a hair complex!  So imagine the obsession I have developed for this little tool after hearing all the rave reviews.  Apparently it is one of, if not the best, brushes in the world (it better be for all that moola).  InStyle magazine has awarded it a best beauty buy and whatever they say, I do.  In closing I would like to say:  Dear Santa, my hair and I would like this brush.  My hair has not been so good, but I think I have:)  Thanks!